burnair Adventure - Discover Switzerland 2018

  • Dein #burnairMoment

    Probably the most amazing package there ever was for discovering Switzerland by paraglider. Expect flying at some of the worlds most scenic and most famous flying sites like Fiesch, Interlaken, Engelberg and Rigi. In a small group of max. 8 pilots we will roam trough Switzerland – always on a hunt for epic moments.

Kategorie burnair Reisen
Andere Daten
Datum Mo. 23. Juli 2018 - So. 29. Juli 2018
Zeit Ganztägig
Anzahl Teilnehmende Min. / Max. 7
Verfügbarkeit 7 Freie Plätze

CHF 700.00 / Person (Details siehe unten)

burnair Reisen

Mit deinem Gleitschirm neue Länder und Fluggebiete aus der Luft entdecken

Thermikfliegen, Streckenfliegen, Groundhandling, Theorie, Coaching – die wohl vollkommensten Gleitschirmreisen. Gemeinsam besuchen wir verschiedene Fluggebiete, fliegen bis die Sonne untergeht und erfreuen uns am Abend an gutem Essen und interessanten Gesprächen. Jeder Tag beinhaltet auch Theorieblöcke sowie Meteo- und Streckenflugbriefing. Aufgrund der kleinen Gruppen ist es möglich auf individuelle Themen einzugehen und mittels Coaching zu verbessern.

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  • Thermal- and XC-Flying in Switzerland, Austria
  • Extensive Daily Meteo Briefing (including XC Possibilities, Valley Winds etc)
  • Talks on „The art of paragliding“ (different topics)
  • Great atmosphere in group
  • Great individual coaching thanks to small group size (max. 8 pilots)


  • Guiding and organsiation – in English or German! (page is in German)
  • Overall coordination (organisation of accommodation, selection of flight region)
  • Coaching on individual topics as well as other flying-related topics (fears, blockages, etc.) – Mental training


  • Accommodation
  • Food – variety of Swiss and international food – (Swiss prices)
  • Costs for cable cars and public transport
  • Eventual costs for excursions
  • Flight (depending where you come from)

Rough program / Meeting Points

  • Sunday Evening 22. July 2018 (Basic briefing and welcome)
  • First day flying 23. July 2018
  • We might start in Interlaken
  • Last day flying 29. July


Accommodation is choosen based on weather. Mainly double rooms (single rooms available after consulting Bernie).

  • First Accommodation may be in Interlaken!
  • Accommodations can be Hotels / BnB or AirBnB (depending on participants wishes)
  • We will stay in at least 2 different areas

Flight regions

Will be determined upon weather. Possible regions are:

  • Switzerland (i know more than 200 Take offs 🙂 )
    • Interlaken Region (Bernese Alps)
    • Wallis (Famous Fiesch)
    • Tessin / Ticino (southern alps)
    • Central Switzerland (e.g. Engelberg)
    • Eastern Switzerland (Inside Alps or Pre-Alps)
    • Western Switzerland (German speaking Jura)
  • Austria / Italy
    • Mainly flight regions close to Switzerland

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